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Reading Reversals in Tarot

To answer the often asked question, "Do you read/use reversals, and if so, why?", I tell people "yes!" and the reasons are multiple. First, because I find they give added information and depth that usually isn't found when doing the cards as all upright. Reversed helps bring out those subtle nuances that can be missed when ignoring the reversals. Keep in mind I also read with my intuition - **very** much so - as well as my guides, so it is possible that the reversals *plus* intuition/guides is helping me interpret things I might miss as just upright. To me, it would be like coloring with only a few crayons, instead of the full 24 or 64 box of crayons. Why limit yourself. For example, the Ace of Wands might give you the color "red", however Ace of Wands reversed might also give you "orange" and/or "magenta" and/or "pink". "Red" being the upright meaning, while "orange", "magenta" and/or "pink", while connect to and are variations of "red", they are also their own "colors" ( and meanings ). If you don't read reversals, you miss all those other "colors", or "shadings" of the upright card ("red").

When reading reversals, I don't see them as "just" the opposite of the upright meaning, There are times I see them as a decreased energy/meaning of the card - or an increased energy (meaning) of the card. Some times I see them as challenges, or obstacles, or even a lesson that is to be learned, needs to be learned (or re-learned). In some rare cases, it might be an outcome or solution to an issue at hand, or steps that might need to be taken. I sometimes see reversals as an "extreme" aspect of the card in its upright position. For example, if the upright card shows the person to have a perfectionist kind of character, they might be aggressive or even abusive in the extreme ( reversal ). For example, a reversed King/Wands might shows someone who is *physically* - or maybe even sexually - abusive/aggressive, while the King/Swords might hint at someone who is verbally, psychologically, or mentally abusive/aggressive. In this example, the reversed Kings might affirm or clarify a possible upright "negative" interpretation. To go more on this vein, a reversed card might warn against, or hint at, a negative influence, aspects and/or a course of action that needs to be avoided, or may need extra work to reverse. In addition, a reversed card might show that something is hidden, deceptive, or not what it appears to be. It may suggest that an internal influence or process ( such as negative thinking and or the results of abuse ) either may be an influence, or may be needed - or overcome - to handle the situation in question.

Additionally, there are times I view a reversal as problems/issues, or an "area" of difficulty, such as standing up for oneself, or learning when to say something and when not to say anything. A reversal might represent a negative influence, or a blockage, or someone/something is being unhelpful, or even sometimes there is someone/something not as it seems, such as lying, deception or manipulation. When I do yes/no questions, a reversal means "no", and then I glean additional information from the card.

Depending on the surrounding cards and/or the positional meaning in a layout, a reversed card might show me that an energy, situation or even a person's ability/characteristic might be in a beginning "stage" - possibly just starting out, or in the very first stages of transformation ( vs a "fuller" or more advanced stage in the upright position ).

There are times I might see a reversed card as a decrease or lack of something. For example, the 8/wands in the upright position is all about action, movement, things happening very quickly .... However in the reversed position, it may indicate that things are moving slowly or not at all, or that an action that was once moving quickly has slowed down, or even halted. In other words, an "energy" or situation or person that is losing energy or power or influence, or might just being outright denied and/or revoked.

I also see a reversal as something that is lacking, in a way different than what is described in the previous paragraph. For example, if I see a lot of reversed swords in a reading, it might suggest that the situation in hand needs to have some logic to deal with it - that the person might be dealing with it on an emotional or physical - instead of logical or intellectual - level. Many reversed cups might hint they are missing the needed compassion, love and/or mercy to help the situation.

As I've said before ( here, and elsewhere ), I also read intuitively, so it is hard to say that "I do it this way all the time" because it isn't that way. Surrounding cards and positional meanings can play a part. Sometimes the "information" I get intuitively tells me something different that the examples I've stated, above, and if that's the case, I go with the information I've been given.

Personally, I feel that a reversal doesn't always immediately equal "negative" or opposite. When I get something in a reading that might be seen as "negative" or "bad" ( etc - I think you understand what I'm getting at ) I try to find ways to let them know they have choices/options, or to use it as a heads up so maybe they can avoid it, or even lessen the impact .... maybe use it to guide and support them, encourage them to make changes and/or to see the possibilities .... Depends on what it is is how I handle it. I try to use positive words, words that might inspire, strengthen, or possibly lift them up or "buoy" and empower them.

Recently, in a discussion on a tarot group, a fellow member mentioned that they see reversals as a form of time. Upright = that it has happened, come to pass and Reversed = in the future, event has not occurred yet. (*) While I have not had the opportunity to see if this observation is true in the case of my own readings (those I do for others or myself) however I won't discount it. That being said, potentially it is another way to read a reversal.

(*) Just my own input on this: If it comes up as a reversal as a form of time, I might pull a clarifying card or two, especially if it an event I'm trying to avoid, or delay, or lessen the impact .... if it hasn't happened yet, maybe there are ways to alter that outcome?

Additionally - just a suggestion: if you are new to tarot, don't worry about "learning reversals" - at least, not at first. Try getting to really knowing/understanding the cards, the symbolism, how you intuitively connect with the cards/deck .... Get comfortable with it/them, study them, read/research them, meditate on them .... really get to know them. Once you feel you have a solid understanding of them *and* have some reading spreads under your belt, *then* start incorporating reversals in to your readings, if you so choose. Not everyone reads reversals, and that's OK. I do, however I didn't start with them until several years after getting "in" to the tarot. Take your time, enjoy the learning AND the process. Don't rush it, it's not a race. Many of us have spent most of our lives learning, practicing, reading ... More practicing, more studying, more asking questions, more reading. I've been at it for 43+ years and I'm STILL learning stuff about the tarot - and related subjects.

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