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Tarot Card of the Day - September 14, 2016

Date: September 14, 2016

Today's Tarot Card: The Tower

"Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility."

-- St. Augustine

Today's card is The Tower, which is card number 16 in the Major Arcana. When I look at the Tower card, the first thing my mind does is start singing the nursery rhyme,"London Bridge". The more I learn about the Tower and what it represents, the more I come to realize how much the song pertains to the card's meaning.

In the Rider Waite version of this card, you see a tall gray tower, in flames, sitting high on a rocky hill. There are people falling - or perhaps jumping - headfirst from the building. You see a lightning strike hitting the top of the monolith, with a kings crown falling off to the side. As you view the image, you can imagine the fear that the people are feeling, unsure of what will become of them, or if they will even survive their freefall. This destruction is physical, tangible. It is immediately apparent in the lives it touches.

While yes, the Tower can sometimes represent a physical catastrophe, such as a burning building or severe weather condition, usually it signifies something on a more personal level. There are some who see this as a representation of the Tower of Babel and because of this association, when this card appears it can signify a need to improve discussion between you and others. It is possible that a breakdown in communication has happened which has built a wall. In order for healthy discourse to occur, the wall must come down, even when we are anxious or afraid to do it. Tearing down the wall allows one to clear away the rubble, move beyond the destruction and work on improving the relationships.

In some cases, its not the wall between ourself and others that needs to be dismantled, its the wall we have built within ourselves - the one that no longer serves our greater good. This can include outdated ideas or concepts, addictions and/or obsessions.... anything that keeps us from fulfilling our potential. Facing those kind of demons and dependences can be scary and difficult, however they are necessary in order for us to move on, grow, become a better person.

In either event, sometimes we need to tear ourselves down so that we can build ourselves up again, however with a stronger, more secure base. This time around we might not need the high walls of the Tower to enclose ourselves, shutting ourselves away from the World, and from the pain that resides within. In some cases, the "barrier" that needs to be taken apart isn't a case of communications as it is a circumstance of another nature, such as a financial downfall, or a situation within the family/home. Regardless of the situation in question, there is a need to rethink and rework the way things are being handled currently because they are *not* working.

When the Tower shows up in a reading, consider the message it is trying to convey to you. It is time to communicate more, to work on removing the walls that divide and isolate - or even blind one to the truth - so that we can once again grow and be productive.

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