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About Me

What is the Tarot?


Have you ever wanted a heads-up on what was coming your way?  Have you ever been curious about that new guy or girl on the horizon, or had questions about your current relationship?  Have you always wondered whether you should try for that promotion, look for another job, or start that business you've always dreamed about starting?  Or maybe you just have general questions and concerns about what is happening in your life.  The tarot is a form of divination using specialized cards that can help clarify those situations in your life, help answer questions, give you guidance for the days and months ahead, and even give you a heads-up to events you might have not otherwise considered.  With a tarot reading from Chelle at Purple Dragonfly Tarot Readings, you can get some insight to all those things and much more.


Who is Chelle?


My name is Chelle (aka WillowRaven) and I am an ordained minister through Universal Life Church, which I use to serve the Pagan community, both on- and off-line.  I am primarily a self-taught reader, however I have attended some tarot workshops, as well as read quite a few books about the tarot, and feel that the tarot, as with life, is a constant learning process.  I have more than 40 years of tarot reading experience and have performed readings at psychic faires with a reputation for a high 'success rate' with my readings.  With the assistance of my spirit guides, in addition to my understanding of various forms of divination, plus my very sensitive, empathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, I always put my best in every reading.




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